Friday, April 1, 2022

Fiction is finished!

The final general A-Z fiction work was The Outcasts of Time by Ian Mortimer, a historical time travel fable when the protagonist escapes the plague in a series of six days set 99 years apart living in the future, gradually moving forward in time. This time sequence is fairly arbitrary and I imagine has been picked to coincide with key historical events, it's a literary detail that is unexplained. In each era there were great changes in technology but not in human nature, and the hero is left wondering if not the fate of mankind was ruined by the "improvements" he had seen. Bearing in mind that every generation thinks the next one is terrible then he has a point - if taken to its natural conclusion! Enjoyed it though, 7/10.

Just a few non-fiction books left and I finish on the classics shelf at the very centre of the library.