Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Vegetarian

The Vegetarian by Han Kang won awards and you can sort of see why. It's about a woman who suddenly becomes vegetarian and is ostracised by her conservative husband and family. There it begins to get silly as she is eventually institutionalised and refuses to eat altogether, believing she is a plant. The people around her don't help and she is left to basically rot and die by the people who supposedly love her. 5/10

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Eleanor Oliphant Is Pretty Good

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is a great book about a woman who has a troubled past and suffers probably from Aspergers. It's funny in places and touching in others. Effectively it's a coming of age story in an older person, who was abused as a child and is lost and confused in the adult world at the start of the book. Slowly she begins to discover aspects of life that she has neglected or been unaware of before. I don't like the title I must admit though, but otherwise, it's good. 9/10