Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Western Wind

The Western Wind by Samantha Harvey is a historical novel set in the middle ages. It is not written sequentially so jumps around timewise, although it is entirely written from one viewpoint. Historical novels seem to me often an excuse to show off how much the author knows about the period, with the story more of an aside. This book definitely does have more literary aspirations, and the characterisation is not bad but, in truth, not a lot really happens and it just goes round and round. 6/10.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Booker Blues

Everything Under by Daisy Johnson went over me. It was a very difficult book to read and follow. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't understand the plot at all. There weren't many characters but I found the different timelines and perspectives very confusing. Hats off to anyone who got anything out of this book. Typical Booker book lol. 1/10