Sunday, May 10, 2020

Lockdown life

Two more books to report which were read before and during the lockdown. Reading Allowed: True Stories and Curious Incidents from a Provincial Library by Chris Paling was a book about libraries themselves and what it is like to work in them. Well worth a read and quite funny and that same time depressing seeing what is happening to our libraries. So important to keep using them! 7/10

Engel's England by Matthew Engel is a very ambitious book. It's basically Matthew going around every county in England and trying to distil its essence. Of course what he sees others won't. I found the chapter on Lincolnshire quite patronising. Surrey was more accurate. Some of the chapters were interesting. Others were boring. Intrusting in places, but ultimately he didn't succeed for me. 6/10

I have two books left which will maybe last lockdown, but probably won't. So the library reading will stay dormant for a bit.