Book 87, Natural World, Polar Bears by Ian Stirling, was the last of the nature book. It was a big "coffee table" book with lots of pictures of polar bears. It was interesting to read about how well these animals are studied in their natural envoironment, and how their future is threatended by climate change and human encroachment. 6/10
Book 88, Superstition and Science, 1450-1750: Mystics, sceptics, truth-seekers and charlatans by Derek Wilson, was the first of the science books, which is probably my most natual area in the library, having read hundreds of popular science books in the past. This book sadly was very vague, I couldn't decide what it was about really, it was very vague and waffly. 4/10
The Reading Challenge continues but against a backdrop of sustained reading in other areas. I read a record 100 books in 2017, and also listened to 10 complete audio books. 3 audio books were from Surrey Libraries. I also read 23 Surrey Library e-books. I only read 10 physical books from Surrey Libraries, 12 physical books for my own, and 11 physical books that Amazon gave me to review. The library provideds an excellent digital service, I also read about 6 magazines a month completely free!